Saturday, March 22, 2008

Lysol Review - 3/22/08

My Review of Lysol Neutra Air
5/5 stars

So this might be TMI, but…my bathroom has smelled like mildew lately! I clean it, put potpourri in there, even sprayed it w/ perfume but it seems to only mask the smell. So I was at Ralph’s and saw this new Lysol. It was on sale --Two for $3.69, I might as well try it since it's on sale! Here is my review =)


Lysol Neutra Air. It’s supposed to ‘destroy bacterial odors’. Just spray and let it work.


It was cheap!! You know how I like quality items at good prices! I’ve only used it a couple of times and it seems to work. I have to remember is that it is ‘temporary’.

I thought the smell would be stronger. The smell is very faint which is a good thing because I don’t want the smell to be overbearing!


None yet!


If you guys know another solution for my 'problem', please let me know!!