Friday, January 2, 2009

2009 New Year's Resolution! - 1/2/09

My New Year’s Resolution!

I love starting the New Year with setting Resolutions. It gives me a chance to reflect my accomplishments during the past year and allows me to set goals (attainable ones!) for myself. So here are my 2009 New Year’s resolutions:

1. To be HAPPY! This is always at the top of my list. It most important! Attainable? Only if you put your mind to it!

2. To get all my XXXX that I am studying for! I can’t tell you what it is bc it would give away too much! But this is my priority this year! Hopefully, I will be there this time next year!

3. To save more money! I reached my goal last year!! I am going to try to double it this year!

4. After Goal #2 is completed, I would like to get my Masters’! So for 2009, I need to start getting ready for it by taking the GMAT & applying!

5. After Goal #2 is completed,, I would like to go to Japan or Italy! This might have to spill over in 2010 but I can plan it now!

One goal I wish I can put on this list is to purchase a home. But that is not attainable! Only a dream for now!

I can't believe its 2009! Anyway, I hope you gals have a wonderful weekend! You know where I’ll be! (in the library, just in case you don’t know!) ;)