Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bittersweet Birthday Outfit! - 8/29/09

I wore this outfit on my Birthday. Birthdays are bittersweet for me.
Its not about getting old but more about..presents. I know! That sounds so lame!!

On one hand, I love anticipating “the best day of the year” (*wink*) but when MY day comes - I end up feeling disappointed. I think it’s hard for those who surround me to buy gifts for me.

It's bizarre because I think it’s so easy to buy me gifts! I always have a running list of items I want and, if all else fail, I LOVE CLOTHES!!! Gift cards are heaven!!

Anyway, back to the outfit! I adore the Glam/Rocker chic look right now! I love a feminine outfit with a touch of studs! STUDS are everywhere! I LOVE STUDS! ;)

Bittersweet Birthday Outfit:
Seven for all Mankind Skinny Jeans - about $70! I forgot the price because its been too long.
Wetseal Top in Black – about $10!
Wetseal Necklace - about $4!
Wetseal Studded Belt - about $1!
Joey O Studded Heels from Ross! - $14.99! See more on this item here!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Bomshel’s “Fight Like A Girl” – 8/25/09

I LOVE this song! I heard it on iheartradio over the weekend and cannot stop listening to it. I absolutely love uplifting songs.

I like listening to songs with the lyrics displayed. The lyrics are so powerful!!

My favorite verse is "KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES"!!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Comic-Con in San Diego! - 7/23/2009 (Late Post)

Sooooo…My sister and I went to Comic-Con in San Diego on Thursday, July 23, 2009 to see Summit’s New Moon Panel! That was almost a month ago but I remember it like it was yesterday! That day was so crazyyyy!!

Here was my schedule:

9:00 – I got to the convention center too late! The line was ridiculously long! I’ve never been in a line that long in my life! After 2 hours of waiting, we got our badge (after overcoming issues regarding my name). We then ran over to the Hall H line where the New Moon panel was to be shown.

11:00 – We got to the Hall H line & OMMGGG...The line was soo much longer than the badge line earlier. I couldn’t believe it!! Seriously, it was miles long! Comic-Con staff actually informed us NOT to get in line (TWICE!) because apparently there was NO WAY we would get in =(

We got in line anyway.. miles away from the entrance. We met some very cool people in line! Comic-Con staff came by (AGAIN) to tell the line that we’re not getting in. Many people leave the line but we stuck to it. The line slowly moved as I slowly melted in the heat.

After how many hours, we somehow get near the freaking entrance to the HALL!!!


1:40 –Summit was to start their panels at 1:45 – that’s in 5 MINS!! We got to the front of the line and were the 4th and 5th person. OMFG, they closed the Hall entrance doors. We’re SOL!! I almost started CRYINGGG!!


1:45 – FIVE MINUTES LATER, thanks to 2 certain people - we luckily got in. I believe we were the last two people to enter the hall. I really reallllyyy do felt bad for the others that stood in line and couldn’t get in. I was sooo close to being one of those. I would have been SAD for days =(


Inside Hall H:


1:46 – Once inside, there were NO SEATS for us!! Security tells us to go outside since we don’t have a seat and it is a fire hazard. YOU’RE ASKING US TO LEAVE???!! I don’t freakin’ think so buddy! We snuck our way to the front of the auditorium!! OMG, we were THISCLOSE to the cast!! LOLLL!

At the end of the day, I had an amazing adventure with my lovely sister. Oh, what a day! To top it off, our parking was supposed to be $20 but we ended up only having to pay $5! AND we parked extremely close to the convention center! HAH, what a freakin’ day! ;)

After all of that, I got:

1. Sunburned: I never got sunburned before!
2. A huge blister on my ankle from wearing new flats that day.
3. A huge SMILE for being able to experience something so amazing!

Panel Pics:

Summit's Booth:

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Studded Heels from Ross!! - 8/16/09

Check out my new JoeyO Heels from Ross! ZOMG, I am soo in love with these heels right now! Too bad I can't wear these (opened toes) to work =(
In any case, I will have to create outfits around these heels on the weekends! I LOVE the Studded details. I am gaga for Studs right now!
JoeyO Studded Heels from Ross - $14.99!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Blue Pumps at Target! – 7/18/09

First of all, why do guys hate Target?? I love that place! I can wander and wander the aisles for hours! From Beddings to Lean Cuisines, they have everything there!

On the other hand, my BF is HATES Target. He is always in and out of there – giving me NO chance to shop! =(
On one of our rare trips to Target, I wandered into the shoe section.. and found these BLUE PUMPS!! I’ve been looking for blue pumps! In fact, I believe it’s on my “Wish List”. It was on clearance for $21!! Oh how I love bargain shopping! =)

Mossimo Heels in Dark Blue from Target: $21

I love the rounded toes look! These heels are not only soo stylish, they are super comfy too!

I believe these heels are about 3 3/4 or 4"! I love the height of these pumps! Makes my short legs look a little longer! =P

Also, I have my eyes on these flats from Target. Aren't they super adorable!! And it comes in tons of fun colors! Ah, perfect for summer...
Women's Merona Eleora Flat Sandals in Gold Patent: Only $18! (Link to item here)


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Inspirational Songs Outfit - 7/2/09

I know I’ve been MIA, it’s been crazy busy at work. Hopefully, the craziness will now ease up and I can return to a “normal” schedule!

I am currently listening to and LOVE Miley Cyrus’ song – “The Climb”! It is such an inspirational song. Listening to this song motivates me when I want to give up (and I’ve been wanting to give up so many times during the last couple of months!). I love how songs like this can produce such a great emotion. These songs stick with me for life.

Speaking of inspirational songs – I am saddened by the news of Michael Jackson’s death. I grew up listening to his music and loved his dance moves. He inspired so many artists and was an extremely generous philanthropist. The list of greatness goes on and on. His brother, Jermaine Jackson, stated it best in an interview on NBC’s "Today" show that Michael as a “gift from Allah”. His death has impacted so many people and I feel compassion for his family. May you rest in peace, Michael Jackson =(

I’ve been asking people, “What is your favorite Michael Jackson song?”
My favorite is – “Do you remember the time?” I also like “Heal the world”.
I love how most of his songs are soo inspirational – such as “Man in the Mirror”.

Inspirational Songs Outfit:
Banana Republic Jacket in Baby Blue
Banana Republic Pants in Plaid
Wet Seal Short-Sleeved Sweater in Black
Linea Paolo 'Mirage' Pump from Nordstrom in Gun Metal - $30 (More on purchase here)

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Peek in my….SHOPPING BAG! Ashley Greene’s Statement Necklace! – 6/7/09

Statement Necklaces are totally on my “to-buy” list right now! I love how one necklace piece can make your outfit look so put together!

Ashley Greene (above) plays Alice Cullen (my favorite character!) in the Twilight Saga. I found this photo of her, looking gorgeous and donning a sophisticated statement necklace. That was when I remembered that Wet Seal had a similar style necklace! (Needless to say, I browse online wayy too much!)

Below is the necklace from Wet Seal. OMG, it is only $12.50! (Link here)

I really like this necklace! I think it will add flare to my boring outfits! Now if I can get the time to drive to Wet Seal… Ahhh, I’ve been too busy lately!! =/

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gift-Giving Guide: Boyfriend! – 6/6/09

My BF has to be the hardest person to give gifts to.

When giving gifts, I always end up having to think the most for this guy. It makes sense to do so (I guess), being that he is the most important person in my life! I always complain about how easy it is to think of gifts for my mom, sister, and even brother!
It is funny because when I tell people how hard it is to get BF a present, they'll start naming off stuff that I can get which I always have a reason why I can't get it.

I’m sure you have someone similar in your life. BF is the type that has everything that he wants and never really "wants" anything. He is a “computer nerd” but I can't buy any technology gadgets because he claims that he can get a “better deal”. LOL!

He isn't into materialistic things such as a Louis Vuitton wallet or belt. He doesn't dress up enough for me to buy him clothes. Plus he has TONS of clothes but wears the same outfit everyday (not the same exact disgusting item, LOL!). The list goes on and on...

Here are presents that I have given the BF in the past:
  1. On his 25th birthday, I got him 25 things. Items included video games, laptop bag, etc.
  2. On a different birthday, I ordered expensive steak from a steakhouse he always wanted to try. I set up a romantic dinner setting at our home, pretending that I cooked it! LOL, he knows I don’t cook so there was really no pretending! I greeted him at the door, in lingerie! =P He very much liked both presents. He said that was the best present he received!

  3. Tech gadgets – This is how I found out that I shouldn’t buy him "tech" items. He made me return ALL items that I purchased for him (cameras, video cameras, etc) because, as I mentioned, he claimed that he can get a “better deal”. Of course it's true, he can get a better deal. After all, that is his area of knowledge. I will stick to my clothes and makeup

As you can see, I have to use my imagination on this one! Anyway, this year's gift is just as hard (if not harder) than years before.


Here are a couple of items that I have in mind:
Bamboo Fun Tablet w/ Pen, Mouse & Graphics Software in Medium & Black - $200 at Ok, I admit – this is more for me than him! But I think being the computer nerd that he is; he would enjoy playing with it for a couple of days! Just like kids do when they get new toys!

I asked a friend whose fiancée is very similar to my BF what he would want. On his list were video game consoles (BF has ALL of them!), video games that are not-yet-release (won’t be able to get these without getting caught), and, lastly, a nice road bike. LOL, a BICYCLE?!!

I was laughing so hard because it was such a true statement. MY BF DOES WANT A BICYCLE!! But we can’t buy one because we live in an apartment complex with nowhere to store it. BF mentioned to me before that he wanted to go bike-riding one day!! I’ll be putting that one on my Blackberry list!

GMC Denali Road Bike - about $270 at

Gift-Giving Guide: Boyfriend

Gift-Giving Guide! - 6/6/09

I HAVE TO ADMIT: I’m pretty good at giving gifts.

My secret? I keep a running list of gifts people want.

For example, the other day – my sister called me and says, “OMG, I just saw the coolest Twilight journal & I really want them!” (Right) Twilight Journals, $16.49 at

I make a mental note and later put it in my Blackberry. Once gift time comes around, I have many items to choose from to give to her!

Moreover, I usually get great compliments such as, “I can’t believe you remembered that I wanted this!”

Hehe, now you know my secret! Shhh! Don’t tell anyone!

That being said, I decided to make sort of a “Gift-Giving” Guide. Watch out for some of these posts! Hopefully it’ll help someone out there! =D

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I LOVE Sunflowers! - 5/31/09

My favorite flowers are SUNFLOWERS! I love sunflowers because it is YELLOW and bright! To me, Sunflowers are both beautiful and gorgeous at the same time! At my “Dream” wedding, I want my flowers to be Sunflowers mixed with Red Roses! o=)

My BF recently got me these Sunflowers to brighten my DAY!! He is simply the BEST! I am so very lucky to have such a wonderful man. These flowers surely did brighten my day! And the many days that it blessed me with its presence! I love waking up to such an exquisite sight! It really makes my day!

Now I am wondering if I should purchase Sunflowers every week to put in my bathroom! Ahh, it would be so lovely!

"New Moon" Trailer! - 5/31/09

I just saw the trailer to “New Moon” on MTV's VMA and I LOVE IT!!

I love the setting of the Cullen’s house for Bella’s birthday. I especially love how Edward threw Bella across the room & how Edward threw Jasper onto the piano! Crazyyy! =P

I’m not sure how I feel about Jacob turning into what looks like a nice DOG more than a scary wolf!

I totally cannot wait for this movie to release!

Here is the trailer courtesy of!

Video courtesy of & MTV!

Megan Fox at MTV's VMA! - 5/31/09

Look who wore the same heels that Fergie wore yesterday! It’s Megan Fox at MTV's VMA on Sunday, May 31, 2009!

Megan Fox’s dress is striking (and so is she!); however, I think it looks too small on her! I understand she is trying to accomplish the “shortest-hem” look but it looks more like she is wearing a junior size!

Anyway, those heels are soo fierce! They look like Christian Louboutin’s but I am not sure..


Going to watch "Terminator Salvation"! - 5/31/09

We're going to the movies!

We’re going to catch the action flick, “Terminator Salvation,” with Christian Bale!
"WE" will consist of the BF, my little brother, & a friend!

Critics gave this movie a C+! We’ll see how it turns out! I really don’t like action flicks, but everyone around me does. I only watch it just to make them happy =P

By the way, movies are soo expensive!! What is up with that?! I missed the "early-bird" showing. which is about $5.50. That is the showing I usually watch to save money! LOL. I am now going to a "matinee" showing, which costs about $8.50!

Have a wonderful Sunday!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Fergie's GLAM-ROCKER Dress at Japan's MTV VMA! - 5/30/09

Fergie attended Japan's MTV Video Music Awards on Saturday, May 30, 2009 in Saitama, Japan.

OMG, I LOVE HER DRESS!!! She perfects the Gorgeous, GLAM rocker-style! I love the color, I love the style, I love everything about her outfit!

The dress was stunningly created to look like a ribbon wrapped around her figure. OMG, the color! It’s a perfect rocker, electric-blue hue in a gorgeous, feminine silk-like material.

I LOVE her killer, FIERCE heels! She paired the strappy heels very well with the dress! Adding to the Glam-Rocker look! The heels are soo high! I LOVE them, makes her legs look a mile long! She is so gorgeous!

Photo courtesy of


Gold Nine West Pumps Haul! - 5/30/09

I’ve wanted Tan Pumps for a while now. I even had it in my “shopping bag”! So when I recently went to Ross and found these Gorgeous Gold Nine West Pumps, I was…PUMPED!!
At $26.99 – the price was a little higher than I usually spend on heels. LOL, I am so spoiled! In any case, I’ve wanted this color/style for so long, so I am very happy with my purchase!
Also, the Pointy heels are so fierce. BUT I love BOTH rounded heels and pointy heels! I really can’t wait to wear these heels!

I really like the color. It is sort of a light gold (not too trashy-gold)/tan hue! It is a neutral color, perfect for days where I am too lazy to find the right heels for my outfit! Actually..those days, I tend to pick black heels! This will be a nice (lighter) alternative!

Side note: Certain Nine West styles don’t have high of enough heels for me! I think that these pumps fit in that category. But I don’t mind! These are perfect for work!

Nine West Pumps in Gold/Tan - $26.99


Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey! That's what I wear to sleep! - 5/22/09

Soldiers from the U.S. Army First Battalion, 26th Infantry take defensive positions at firebase Restrepo after receiving fire from Taliban positions in the Korengal Valley of Afghanistan's Kunar Province on Monday May 11, 2009. Spc. Zachery Boyd of Fort Worth, TX, far left was wearing 'I love NY' boxer shorts after rushing from his sleeping quarters to join his fellow platoon members. From far right is Spc. Cecil Montgomery of Many, LA and Jordan Custer of Spokan, WA, center.
(AP Photo/David Guttenfelder)

Photo Courtesy of via AP.
Hey! I thought to myself:
"That looks similar to what I wear to bed!"
I’m totally being serious! I normally wear a tee & boxers to bed. And most often paired w/ a red tee! When I saw this picture, I looked down at what I was wearing & it looked similar, however, my boxers have pink & red stripes! LOL! I’m not a lingerie wearing gal. Although I have some for “special occasions” [;)]. I just feel more comfortable wearing THAT! =P
Apparently, Army Specialist Zachary Boyd, 19, of Fort Worth, Texas was rushed from his sleeping quarters after the unit came under fire from Taliban positions. (I can’t even begin to imagine how scary that is! =/) My favorite part, his boxers with the inscribed the message: “I love NY!”
I respect our troops & think that they are ALL so courageous to do what they do. If you are one of our brave men & women, I would like to say:
For the entire article, click here!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"New Moon" Movie Poster Released! - 5/19/09

My sister called me at 9:00 pm last night -- which interrupted my studying! =/
I normally don't pick up my phone, it being so close to my exam date (& she understands that) but I for some reason I picked it up. I first heard her apologizing for interrupting my studying (hah!), then she revealed the great news: The “New Moon” movie poster has been released!!

My thoughts on the poster?
What I really like is that Bella (Kristen Stewart) is not in the middle. I think that would have been too cliché!

When I woke up this morning to browse the regular sites (mostly gossip sites) that I usually browse &, WOW, I was bombarded by the poster! I mean, it was on every site! That along with this Robert Pattinson’s photo at the Cannes Film Festival!

So there, I have now “bombarded’ you with both, LOL!
Additionally, there are reports that Rob confirmed that he would be in Breaking Dawn (the final book in the series)!! OMG, Breaking Dawn is my FAVORITE book out the Series!! I am totally soo excited! I wonder when it would be released? 2011?? Wow, that seems so far from now..

Photos courtesy of

Someone asked me what scene am I looking forward to most in New Moon? -- That is, if it makes it to the movie!

I’ll start with the scene I don’t want to see:
I really don't want to see Bella after Edward leaves her! I cried while reading that part! (My BF’s reaction: “Oh, Gawd!”) I think I'm going to cry for the entire first 10 minutes of the movie!
It's not because I think its a bad scene, by no means. I just like to watch HAPPY movies & don't like to feel unnecessary sadness!

The scene I want to see:
I'm going to cheat & want two scenes! The scenes happened to both Bella & Edward at different times.
It happened to Edward when he saw Bella before he was going to “reveal” himself (lol) & he thought he was dead:
“"Amazing," he said, his exquisite voice full of wonder, slightly amused. "Carlisle was right."

And it happened to Bella when she woke up after coming home from Italy:
"Oh, crap" I croaked. My throat was thick with sleeping.
"What's wrong, Bella?"
I frowned at him unhappily. His face was even more anxious than before.
"I'm dead, right?" I moaned. "I did drown. Crap, crap, crap! This is gonna kill Charlie."

A couple of quotes from the book that I liked:
Happiness. It made the whole dying thing pretty bearable.
Edward: "So maybe this is hell. I don't care. I'll take it."
Bella: "Obviously not. If I was in hell, you wouldn't be with me."

And I LOVE this:
"Before you, Bella, my life was like a moonless night. Very dark, but there were stars—points of light and reason… And then you shot across my sky like a meteor. Suddenly everything was on fire; there was brilliancy, there was beauty. When you were gone, when the meteor had fallen over the horizon, everything went black. Nothing had changed, but my eyes were blinded by the light. I couldn't see the stars anymore. And there was no more reason for anything."

Wow! I am naturally intrigue by anything that refers to Astronomy! My name actually translates into a celestial object! I’ve always loved the meaning of my name. Moreover, there is sort of a Romeo & Juliet story to my name!

SWOOONNNNN! I really can’t wait until this movie releases! If you know me at all, I can’t wait for anything! I am too impatient! =P

Thank you Stephanie Meyer! For giving us the GREAT gift of “Twilight Series”!

TV Shows/Movies

Monday, May 18, 2009

Vacation to..think about work?? - 5/18/09

Today marks the first day of my 2-week vacation! I am taking vacation to…study for my exam! This will be my third exam (out of five) before I am “certified”! I am hoping to complete it this year! Yippee!

I found this comic to be all too amusing:

Why in the world would I want to *think* about work during my vacation?? I even dream about it!! It is just all too typical of me to think about work when I don’t have too! Sometimes, I think I need therapy for this problem. =/

The funniest thing is, when I don’t have to go yo work – I tend to naturally wake-up earlier! I usually wake-up at 7:30am but that is after my BF drags me out of bed! But when I don’t have to go to work, I (of course) naturally wake up at 6am! Most of the time, I force myself to go back to sleep. And other times, I take advantage of waking up earlier!

Anyway, more posts on my many shopping trips to come soon!

I hope you all have a wonderful Monday! And as my sister always says:


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Tweed Jacket in Purple from H&M Haul! 5/14/09

I have been feeling like my clothes have been so boring lately! I need some texture in my life! When I saw this Tweed Jacket in Purple from H&M, I immediately knew I was going to buy it. My sister, on the other hand, questioned my choice. I informed her that because my attire is limited, due to where I work, when I find something that POPS without little effort – that is a GEM!

This jacket will go great with most of the slacks I own and, more importantly, great with jeans that I can wear on the weekend! I love pieces where I can just throw on with little thinking & look great! I feel like this jacket will accomplish that!

The shade is a cute Lilac color that will spice up any bland outfit! I really like the large buttons as well!

Yes, and let’s talk price: $15?! For a jacket?! A TWEED jacket??! LOL, I scored!! =)

Tweed Jacket in Purple from H&M – Only $15!


Saturday, May 9, 2009

Red, White, and...Outfit! - 5/9/09

I haven’t been able to find a White & Red Dress combo (related to this post), so I decided to create my own. I really love this color combo, however, it’s been hard to find it on sale!

Red, White, and...Outfit!
Banana Republic Top in White/Ivory
New York & Co. Red Skirt from Ross – Only $7.99!
- See more on Post here!
New York & Co. Pleated Skirt in Red from Ross - Only $13.99!!
- See more on Post here!
Joey O Heels in Patent Red - Only $13.99!!
- See more on Post here!
H&M Waist Belt in Dark Tan w/ Gorgeous Cheetah-like detail! – Only $12.20!
- See more on Post here!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Nine West Heels Haul (Ross) – 5/1/09

I stopped by Ross a couple of days ago and picked up these super cute Nine West Heels! These heels are soo comfortable! The back part of the heel is made of a stretch material. I’ve never seen these on heels! I’ve seen them on flats, however.

Anyway, what do I love about my new heels? You’ve probably guess... its the neat detail in the front! I LOVE anything that is simple, yet there is one thing that makes it POP! These heels are absolutely adorable!!

These heels are a light, shimmery gold color. The gold color is very subtle, enough for me to wear to the office!

The best part?? OMG, these pumps were only $14.99!! Can you believe it?? I totally scored!

Nine West Heels in Shimmery Gold - $14.99!


Saturday, April 25, 2009

My “Balance” Outfit - 4/25/09

Boss #10: “Hey! What do you do for fun???”
Thinking to myself: Um.. I SHOP, duh!
Instead I answer: “I Study, it’s my life right now” – Ah, the more politically correct answer..

Work, study, live life. Where is my Balance?

Sure, some people take to the gym, hike, rollerblade, etc. Others spend time with their kids. Many go out and party like its 1999, er 2009.

Me? I find my balance when I SHOP. Is it really hard to understand??!

One of my bosses (boss #10) asked a group of us the question above, in an attempt to “get to know us”. I hesitated to mention that I SHOP! You see…It’s hard to explain this phenomenon to non shop-a-holics. They think of shopping as a daily task or even a chore. yikes!

Why should I even bother trying to explain the great feeling I get when I find something soo cute, ON SALE?? Or the feeling I get when I drop into a store to browse & find that everything is 75% off! Or the best feeling -- when I come home from a day of successful shopping - I unload my “gems” in my living room to take pictures of it to post here! Ahhh, what a wonderful feeling! LOL!

Sometimes I get the feeling that people (especially “business people”) look down upon people who enjoy so-called “superficial” things such as fashion & shopping. Would they rather I read the Wall Street Journal or watch CNN all day. Or better yet, play GOLF! =/

In any case, I’ll say "I study" with a smirk -- Knowing that I will go shopping later that day to report my finds here on my blog. Where people appreciate it! LOL! =P

My “Balance” Outfit:
Banana Republic Plaid Pants w/ Blue Stripes
Banana Republic Turtle Neck in Teal
Gold-color Necklace w/ wooden details
- This necklace needed to be fixed in the photo! My “photographer” didn’t change it for me, LOL!

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Old Navy Haul! - 4/19/09

This Haul occurred a couple of weeks ago. I’m a little behind on posting! I love it when Old Navy has 50% off clearance items! I especially love it when there are actually nice items available for sale – in my size!

I forgot the prices on these but each of the following items were less than $10 each!

Blue Ribbed Tee – I love this regular tee for both work & play! I can wear it under a business suit or with jeans!

Hot Pink Cardigan & Matching Short-sleeve Sweater (purchased separately) – I like this bright color! Makes me smile =)

Striped Long-sleeve Button-up Tops– These are my Fav! I believe two of the three were $5 each!! OMG, I scored BIG on these. I totally love these for days I am too lazy to figure out an outfit! It’s easy (and professional-looking) to throw one of these on with matching slacks & call it a day!
