OMG! I got a Blackberry! Actually, my phone is a “REDberry”!
I purchased the Blackberry Curve 8320 in Sunset. Gorgeous RED color, my fav!
New Phone:

As you read, I recently (GOSH only a month ago) got the Sidekick LX (see more about my purchase
here), but have since decided to get the Blackberry. I’ve had it for a couple of days now and LOVE IT!
Old Phone:

Here goes my review.
Be warned: I’ve only had the BB for a couple of days and anything that I say that it doesn’t do may very be false! You were warned!!
1. Camera: BB’s camera is a 2MP as opposed to Sidekick’s 1.2 or 1.3MP. Sidekick’s camera quality was
extremely low. It seemed like a 0.5MP!! I’ve taken some pictures with the BB camera and it seems to be good.. as good as a camera can be as it is still camera phone!
One thing I don’t like about BB’s camera is that it makes a
shutter noise when taking pictures. I hate this!! I think it’s due to some privacy issue which I totally understand but still, it’s soo annoying!
2. Video Camera: Sidekick recently had a software update that included a video camera feature. My gosh, the quality was horrible and it was limited to only 20 seconds.
Garbage! BB’s quality is wayyy better and I believe it is limited to what your memory card can hold.
3. Ringtones: OMG, I
LOVE ringtones. Unfortunately, the Sidekick’s ringtones really sucked. So I had to purchase them! At about $2.50 per ringtone. AND they don’t transfer if you upgrade to a new Sidekick. Thumbs down!
BB, on the other hand, allows for unlimited FREE ringtones!! Yippeee! Ringtone galore. Everyone in my contact book will have their own ringtone. I LOVE IT! =)
4. Alarm: Ughh! Don’t get me started with the Sidekick. I hate it that you have to freakin’ purchase an alarm!! BB is not all that better because it seems like I can only set one alarm..
Per the warning above, this might not be true as I have not had enough time to really dive into the features.
Although I could set the alarm on my calendar.. I just hate doing it that way. =P
5. User-Friendliness: In Sidekick’s defense, the Sidekick was super user-friendly. BB is semi hard to use & navigate through.I can get used to it though.
6. Sound Profile: I liked that Sidekick could be set to silent everyday at a certain time. BB, unfortunately, does not have this feature? The BB is harder to navigate to get the phone to the sound profile you want.
7. Keyboard: On the BB, the keyboard is closer together , making it harder to type. But this is not an issue for me. I can see how this can be an issue for others.
8. Aesthetics: BB’s look is a lot sleeker &it’s weight is lighter than the Sidekick. I also feel more “grown-up” with the BB. Really weird how a phone can change how you view yourself! =P
9. WiFi Capability: BB has wireless capabilities where I can connect to my wireless network at home. Sidekick does not.
10. Screen: The screen is similar. Sidekick’s screen is a little larger but I can’t tell the difference!
11. Shortcuts: Sidekick has
wayyy more shortcuts than BB. I loved using the shortcuts on the Sidekick. There are only like 2 shortcut buttons on the BB.
Oh my, this is a long list. In the end, I LOVE MY REDBERRY!! It’s so cute!