Sunday, September 28, 2008

Desperate Housewives Premiere Review! 9/28/08

Just saw the season premiere of Desperate Housewives! Let’s say it was JUICY, as promised!!

So much drama packed into one little hour! Cliffhangers all over the place!

Definitely NOT predictable!

Since West Coasters haven't seen the episode yet, I warn with SPOILER ALERT...






Ok, so I think my new favorite character this season will be Susan (played by Teri Hatcher). She was dressed so cute! And she seems to be super strong, yet very weak at the same time. I really feel for Susan’s character.

Eva Longoria-Parker's character, Gabriele, I am not liking too much. I know motherhood can really change a woman but I just don’t like what she has become. Kind of frumpy... I wonder if she'll ever go back to becoming the "old" Gabby?

Edie’s husband, what a character he is!! He feels like bad news, looks crazy, & feels scary! The storyline unfolded new drama with him! I wonder who he is out to get??!! Gosh, I hate waiting to know!

I can’t believe Danielle took her baby back from Bree. AND Danielle is married?? To a lawyer?? Wow.

Seriously, this show is so freaking good!! I absolutely loved every minute of the show. Everytime the BF wanted to talk to me, I said, “SHHH, please wait until commercial!” Do not interrupt me when I am watching this fantastic show!
