Her dress is adorable, yet sleek! I love the short length, showing off her gorgeous stems! The Fitted Bodice Mini Dress in Black Astro is from SUNO’s Fall/Winter 2010 collection.
Contact PIMC at peekinmycloset @yahoo.com =)
Her dress is adorable, yet sleek! I love the short length, showing off her gorgeous stems! The Fitted Bodice Mini Dress in Black Astro is from SUNO’s Fall/Winter 2010 collection.
With that said, life is beautiful and I chose to enjoy it. As such, I have decided to create a “bucket list” starting with (slowly) reviving this blog! Here is my bucket list thus far:
1. Revive this blog! =)
2. Learn to play the piano – I’m starting to pick it up again!
3. Travel the world – This would require its own list! (To come later)
4. Attend a Fashion Show in New York (or Paris) during Fashion Week! I've actually attended a fashion show in Paris! BUT it wasn't a well-known designer's show =(
5. Pick up photography – I would love to take beautiful photos, enlarge them, and hang them in my house!
Life is too short to stress out. Life is too short to let it pass me by. There are major, exciting changes in my life! I hope that same for all of you =)
Posts Coming Soon:
- My iPad! I LOVE it!!I LOVE this song! I heard it on iheartradio over the weekend and cannot stop listening to it. I absolutely love uplifting songs.
I like listening to songs with the lyrics displayed. The lyrics are so powerful!!
My favorite verse is "KICK ASS AND TAKE NAMES"!!
Here was my schedule:
9:00 – I got to the convention center too late! The line was ridiculously long! I’ve never been in a line that long in my life! After 2 hours of waiting, we got our badge (after overcoming issues regarding my name). We then ran over to the Hall H line where the New Moon panel was to be shown.
11:00 – We got to the Hall H line & OMMGGG...The line was soo much longer than the badge line earlier. I couldn’t believe it!! Seriously, it was miles long! Comic-Con staff actually informed us NOT to get in line (TWICE!) because apparently there was NO WAY we would get in =(
We got in line anyway.. miles away from the entrance. We met some very cool people in line! Comic-Con staff came by (AGAIN) to tell the line that we’re not getting in. Many people leave the line but we stuck to it. The line slowly moved as I slowly melted in the heat.
After how many hours, we somehow get near the freaking entrance to the HALL!!!
1:40 –Summit was to start their panels at 1:45 – that’s in 5 MINS!! We got to the front of the line and were the 4th and 5th person. OMFG, they closed the Hall entrance doors. We’re SOL!! I almost started CRYINGGG!!
1:45 – FIVE MINUTES LATER, thanks to 2 certain people - we luckily got in. I believe we were the last two people to enter the hall. I really reallllyyy do felt bad for the others that stood in line and couldn’t get in. I was sooo close to being one of those. I would have been SAD for days =(
Inside Hall H:
1:46 – Once inside, there were NO SEATS for us!! Security tells us to go outside since we don’t have a seat and it is a fire hazard. YOU’RE ASKING US TO LEAVE???!! I don’t freakin’ think so buddy! We snuck our way to the front of the auditorium!! OMG, we were THISCLOSE to the cast!! LOLLL!
At the end of the day, I had an amazing adventure with my lovely sister. Oh, what a day! To top it off, our parking was supposed to be $20 but we ended up only having to pay $5! AND we parked extremely close to the convention center! HAH, what a freakin’ day! ;)
After all of that, I got:
1. Sunburned: I never got sunburned before!
2. A huge blister on my ankle from wearing new flats that day.
3. A huge SMILE for being able to experience something so amazing!
Panel Pics: